The House
of Sales Ideas

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It’s The Economy Stupid… Or Is It?


Say hello to CONTACT, she is the Best Practice League’s specialist in lead generation and today is all about her…

“The economy, the economy it is making my customers into tightwads” Boy oh boy I have been hearing that refrain everywhere. Believe you me, I don’t NOT think that the economy is tough right now and that some markets are tougher than others. My problem is “our” collective response to the core issue.
When things are tight prospects are going to dry up, that’s a fact Jack (shout out to my 13 month old there). That doesn’t change the fundamental nature of the game. Part of the problem is the economy but the bigger part, the most imortant part of the probelm is human nature, our human nature as salespeople. When we don’t have enough prospects in our pipeline we start to see every person who says they MAY be interested as a QUALIFIED PROSPECT and the sad truth is that is never true. When is every person who expresses interest a qualified prospect? Answer: Never!
Sales is still sales but it is the lead generation that has got tougher. The real problem is we have gotten lazy with our lead generation and our prospect qualification. You want to beat this recession then double your lead generation efforts and improve your qualification skills. More calls, send out more SIT touches, do more drop offs but also ask better and more detailed questions. Make sure whoever you are talking to is the right person with the right organization in the right industry with the right needs and wants.
The beauty of this is if we put the time in NOW to make sure we are doing the right things with the right people then when the economy turns we will be in the “cat bird’s seat” and ready to hit the ground running AHEAD of the competition.
Below are a couple of good articles on this very subject…
[button link=””>3%20ways%20to%20improve%20your%20lead%20nurturing%20strategy.pdf” color=”lightblue”]3 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR LEAD GEN STRATEGY[/button]

[button link=”” color=”lightblue”]WHY YOU SHOULD TOUCH A CUSTOMER[/button]

I know, I know I still have to finish my Hiring and Assessment System, I promise I will continue that thread with my next post…